FAAAT think & do tank

GRATK Diplomatic Conference: Opening Statement of the Cannabis Embassy

Opening Plenary Declaration of the Cannabis Embassy at the GRATK Diplomatic Conference for a Treaty against Biopiracy

INCB: a decade of evolutions and progress

The NGO International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) is running a short series of posts called INCB Watch to explore how the International Narcotics Control Board has changed – or remained the same – over the past decade or so. This post was originally published on...

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Press Freedom under attack – Czech cannabis magazine condemned

Press Freedom under attack – Czech cannabis magazine condemned

⚠️ #PressFreedom: Writing about #cannabis is a crime (but should not be)! ⚠️   On November 3, 2021, the Magazin Legalizace and its editor-in-chief, Robert Veverka, were convicted of inciting and promoting “toxicomania” by the district court in Bruntál, Czech republic....

Monitoring the votes on Cannabis scheduling changes

Monitoring the votes on Cannabis scheduling changes

On March 4th, 2020, governments gather in Vienna to decide upon the proposed changes in the scheduling of cannabis and cannabis-related substances under the international drug control conventions. This page will monitor the positions taken by governments in this...

Press statement – WHO Cannabis Review non-outcome

Press statement – WHO Cannabis Review non-outcome

Vienna, UN headquarters, 7th December 2018. World Health Organization (WHO) much anticipated release of findings of two year scientific assessment of Cannabis leaves observers stunned and upset. The last assessment by WHO in 1954 fuelled global prohibition under the...

INCB: a decade of evolutions and progress

INCB: a decade of evolutions and progress

The NGO International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) is running a short series of posts called INCB Watch to explore how the International Narcotics Control Board has changed – or remained the same – over the past decade or so. This post was originally published on...

Cannabis review by the WHO: all you need to know

In 2018 for the first time, the World Health Organization is assessing the medical uses and harms of Cannabis, and will recommend the suitable classification to be applied internationally. We promote an objective and independent assessment, that recognizes and acknowledges modern research on Cannabis. Support us!

Will modern drug policies come from Norway?

Will modern drug policies come from Norway?

The Norwegian Association for Safer Drug Policies, FAAAT and 20 policymakers and stakeholders from 10 countries recalled that Norway should be a model for the rest of the world’s drug policy reforms.

Crimson paper #2. The committee.

Crimson paper #2. The committee.

The crimson papers are a series of short documents aimed at sharing knowledge regarding the process of scheduling plants, medicines and substances within the international drug control treaty framework.

Crimson paper #1. The schedules.

Crimson paper #1. The schedules.

The crimson papers are a series of short documents aimed at sharing knowledge regarding the process of scheduling plants, medicines and substances within the international drug control treaty framework.

European Parliament: designing a future for drug policies in urban areas

European Parliament: designing a future for drug policies in urban areas

In the European Parliament, representatives of municipal and national governments, decision makers, law enforcement, civil society, people who use drugs, harm reduction and treatment providers, and academics have been focusing together on substance use in the urban environment, and exchanging experiences on evidence-informed policies to best mitigate drug-related harms.

After UNGASS 2016, let’s release hemp to achieve the SDGs

After UNGASS 2016, let’s release hemp to achieve the SDGs

In January 23rd 2017 Hanka Gabrielová, an associate FAAAT advocate from the Czech NGO Konopa, delivered the following statement during an hearing of civil society by the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, gathered for an inter-sessional meeting of its 60th session....

The UNGASS 2016 outcome document and the Critical review process

CIVIL SOCIETY STATEMENT UNGASS 2016 OUTCOME DECLARATION AND THE CRITICAL REVIEW OF CANNABIS & CANNABIS RESIN The public health dimension of the world drug problem has been widely debated during the special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the...

UNGASS 2016 : Civil Society joint declaration.

UNGASS 2016 : Civil Society joint declaration.

Over 200 civil society groups from all over the world have today released a statement condemning governments for failing to acknowledge the devastating consequences of punitive and repressive drug policies as they prepare for a UN summit on the issue next month.

Cannabis Social Club • Policy for the XXIst century

Cannabis Social Club • Policy for the XXIst century

Cannabis Social Club : a social, ethic, human-scale and health-based model addressing the misuse, abuse and potential damages due to cannabis use while countering the unregulated growth of cannabis supply. Authors: Farid Ghehiouèche, Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli....

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