Human Rights Council 2023 contributions
Human rights in relation to herbal drugs
Photo: I. Seddoug
HRC resolution 54/22:
FAAAT sent two contribution to the upcoming Report of the High Commissioner on Human Rights about drug policies
Human rights in drug policy: (I) more than an added value, (II) due diligence & herbal drugs
First contribution:
Human rights in drug policy (I): more than an added value.
Human Rights challenges related to Drug Policy: First Contribution to the upcoming report (pursuant to HRC resolution 54/22)
In its resolution 54/22 adopted on 4 April 2023, the Human Rights Council (HRC) requested:
“the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare a report, in consultation with States, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and other relevant United Nations agencies, civil society and other relevant stakeholders, on human rights challenges in addressing and countering all aspects of the world drug problem, and to present it to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-fourth session, also in an accessible format, and also requests the Office of the High Commissioner to share the report with the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the policymaking body of the United Nations with prime responsibility for drug control and other drug-related matters, through the appropriate channels”
In 2017 we held a debate at the UN on human rights (see youtube video below).
In 2018, we already reported on a similar mechanism when the 37th Human Rights Council made what we then called a “Major shift in global drug policies.” A few months later, for the 39th HRC, we submitted a contribution titled “57 years of Global and Systematic Human Rights violations in the name of “drug control” Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law.” (see also here). Interestingly, although not directly related at the time, the HRC proclaimed the universal rights of peasants just a few months later.
More recently, on 20 April 2020, we sent jointly with the largest medical organizations working on cannabis (IACM, SCC, IDHDP, ICEERS, CoalitionPlus, IMCPC) a letter asking help in Ensuring continuity of treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for patients using Cannabis and cannabinoid medicines.