GRATK Diplomatic Conference: Opening Statement of the Cannabis Embassy

Opening Plenary Declaration of the Cannabis Embassy at the GRATK Diplomatic Conference for a Treaty against Biopiracy

GRATK: a New Treaty against the Patenting of Traditions & Nature

Brief intro to the new GRATK treaty on Indigenous Landraces & Traditional Knowledge, and its role in ethical and fair Cannabis policy reforms

United Nations just proclaimed Universal Rights of Peasants

The UN just adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants, binding Countries to respect & protect rural needs, singularities, traditions, and knowledge.

Morocco & cannabis: civil society gets organized to prepare the post-prohibition.

In Chefchaouen, on Avril 30, 2017, an international symposium focused on development and growth perspectives for the cannabis-growing areas in the Moroccan Riff region. The meeting gathered local civil society with experts, academics and various stakeholders from Morocco as well as France, Spain or Germany.