In April 2016, the United Nations will meet for a special session of the General Assembly (UNGASS) to review the progress on their strategy on narcotic drugs. The last time such meeting took place, in 1998, a total eradication of drugs within a decade had been planned.
In the IIIrd millennium, a hundred of new psychoactive substances appear every year. The medicinal uses of the three original «drugs» (cocaine plant, poppy and hemp) are spreading under the leadership of a renewed scientific data. Nowadays in the western countries, recreational use exceeded the cultural-generational phenomenon to become tradition.
In front of that, the international drug control system, which only managed to cause the opposite effects to its purposes and never updated, is more than gasping for air.
This first document of the series of Thematic Papers provides initial paths for comprehension.
Descarga el Folio Temático en francés
«Dosis de refuerzo de historia política internacional de las drogas.»
Esta publicación solo esta disponible en francés.
Febrero 2016