GRATK Diplomatic Conference: Opening Statement of the Cannabis Embassy

Opening Plenary Declaration of the Cannabis Embassy at the GRATK Diplomatic Conference for a Treaty against Biopiracy

GRATK: a New Treaty against the Patenting of Traditions & Nature

Brief intro to the new GRATK treaty on Indigenous Landraces & Traditional Knowledge, and its role in ethical and fair Cannabis policy reforms

2023 UN contributions on Human rights and drug policy

We sent 2 contribution for the upcoming UN Human Rights report on drug policies – due diligence, herbal drugs, traditional use, homegrowing

Lex lata cannabis legalization: statement at the 2022 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs

[Video] Plenary statement at the 65th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, about a cannabis legalization compliant with the drug conventions

Press release — INCB Cannabis Initiative: NGOs from 56 countries call for transparency & accountability

2 Dec. 2021 – 181 NGOs from 56 Countries call upon INCB drugs agency to create transparency and accountability in ‘Cannabis Initiative’ Guidelines effort

Press Freedom under attack – Czech cannabis magazine condemned

History, science, and politics of international cannabis scheduling, 2015–2021

Just published: Oct. 2021 report on the 2015-2021 cannabis scheduling process at the WHO and United Nations (open access PDF)

Demain, les Cannabis Social Clubs

Contribution to the work of the French Parliament on «recreational cannabis» : the Cannabis Social Club model [French]

Demain, les Cannabis Social Clubs

Contribution to the work of the French Parliament on «recreational cannabis» : the Cannabis Social Club model [French]

Press release — History made today: UN recognizes medical cannabis

After 60 years of status quo, 3 years of scientific review by WHO and 2 years of diplomatic discussions, today, the United Nations finally withdrew cannabis from 1961 Convention Schedule IV –the «prohibition schedule»

WHO cannabis vote: Support patient access to medicine, vote yes! [signed by 193 NGOs]

194 organizations from 50 countries call for Cannabis deschedulling at the United Nations in official statement.

A call for UN to monitor medical cannabis patients’ rights

Ensuring continuity of treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for patients using Cannabis and cannabinoid medicines.

Monitoring the votes on Cannabis scheduling changes

United Nations ECOSOC makes public the list of voters on WHO Cannabis Scheduling recommendations.

Proximas conferencias: Hemp Business Day 2019


Breaking news: WHO changes position on medical Cannabis after 60 years.

PRESS RELEASE | 31st Jan. 2019 | Outcome of #ECDD41 on Cannabis. World Health Organization acknowledges medical use of Cannabis after 60 years of denial.

Press statement – WHO Cannabis Review non-outcome

ECDD41: WHO finishes this week its historic review of Cannabis

WHO finishes this week their scientific review of cannabis, THC, CBD extracts, etc. Their conclusions could change cannabis scheduling in the drug Treaties.

Awarding the legal Cannabis industry for its sustainability

Meet entrepreneurs, visionaries, products & ideas that change the way we think about Cannabis, the way we use it, and that change policy. #cannabiSDG

United Nations just proclaimed Universal Rights of Peasants

The UN just adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants, binding Countries to respect & protect rural needs, singularities, traditions, and knowledge.

International Cannabis Policy Conference | Vienna 2018

FAAAT launches the International Cannabis Policy Conference | Vienna, Austria | December 7-9, 2018 | #CannabiSDG |

Cannabis: WHO just acknowledged historical misjudgment and heads towards global policy update

After thoroughly assessing Cannabis, THC and CBD in June, the WHO has just recognized its historical misjudgment that led to the placement of Cannabis medicines among heroin or fentanyl derivates, and will consider an international change of scheduling to adequate policies with evidence. #ECDD40

DUPLICATA POST — 40º Comité de Drogodependencia de la OMS: momento crucial para las políticas globales del Cannabis.

Por primera vez en la historia, el Comité sobre drogas de la OMS ha escuchado las voces de los médicos, pacientes e investigadores, y comenzó un proceso neutral de evaluación de los daños y beneficios del Cannabis.

40º Comité de Drogodependencia de la OMS: momento crucial para las políticas globales del Cannabis.

Por primera vez en la historia, el Comité sobre drogas de la OMS ha escuchado las voces de los médicos, pacientes e investigadores, y comenzó un proceso neutral de evaluación de los daños y beneficios del Cannabis.

Comunicado de prensa: OMS y Cannabis – 40º Comité de Expertos ECDD

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA • Políticas del Cannabis: Activistas de todos continentes convergen en Ginebra – Día histórico en la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud.

Crimson paper #3. The review(s).

Pre & Critical reviews: insights into the processes of the WHO scientific abuse liability assessment for drugs.

Cannabis review by the WHO: all you need to know

In 2018 for the first time, the World Health Organization is assessing the medical uses and harms of Cannabis, and will recommend the suitable classification to be applied internationally. We promote an objective and independent assessment, that recognizes and acknowledges modern research on Cannabis. Support us!

[VIDEO] Jerarquía de normas: Derechos humanos vs. fiscalización de drogas. #LegalRegulations

#LegalRegulations • ¿Los Convenios de drogas de verdad prohiben regular? Lo hemos reguntado a 3 expertos clave: ¿Es posible una legalización?

A crowdfunding to support our action at WHO

Crimson paper #1. Las listas.

Los crimson papers son una serie de documentos cortos, en ingles, que comparten conocimiento sobre el proceso de clasificación de plantas, fármacos y sustancias bajo el marco internacional de fiscalización de drogas.

Marruecos y cannabis: una sociedad civil organizándose para la post-prohibition.

El pasado 30/04 en Chauen (Marruecos) se organizó un seminario internacional sobre las perspectivas para el desarrollo y el crecimiento de las áreas de cultivo de cannabis en el Rif marroquí. El encuentro reunió a la sociedad civil local con expertos, académicos y asociaciones del estado así como de Francia, España y Alemania.

After UNGASS 2016, let’s release hemp to achieve the SDGs

Canada: Final recommendations of the Task Force on Cannabis Regulation

The final report of the Canadian Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation, issued on November 30th 2016, is the product of broad consultations within the Canadian society.

Note de synthèse. Réguler le taux de THC ? Le piège à éviter.

Cette note éclaire un point récurrent du débat à propos des effets psychotropes du Cannabis : Quid de l’impact et des conséquences d’une limitation du taux de THC (delta-9-TétraHydroCannabinol) en cas de régulation de la filière Cannabis ?

Towards an evidence-based approach to drug policies : the Critical review of Cannabis

Cannabis Social Club • Una política para el siglo XXI

Cannabis Social Club : un modèle social, éthique, à échelle humaine et aux bases sanitaires pour faire face au mésusage, à l’abus et aux dommages potentiels liés à l’usage de cannabis, tout en combattant la croissance dérégulée de l’offre.