PRESS RELEASE. Cannabis policy reform: Activists from all continents converge in Geneva – Historical day inside of the World Health Organization.
Geneva, 7th June 2018.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, organized citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead — This quote helps explain why a small group of volunteer Cannabis advocates are in the position to address the WHO and its commitments to reframe the world Cannabis policy.
Monday, 4 June 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun to repair a Century-old injustice: the global prohibition of Cannabis.
This 40th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee, whose job is to update drug-Treaties based upon evidence [1], was entirely dedicated to reviewing Cannabis, for the first time ever! Presenting
Although this time the outcome of the Experts’ work will only be preliminary, the process might very well lead to a change of Cannabis scheduling under the anti-drug Treaties [3].
The NGO FAAAT is the focal point between WHO, civil society
We challenge media to engage participants in these historic meetings as you cover this story of international Cannabis policy reform.
- ⇒ Michael Krawitz •
michael [at] • Skype: Michael_Krawitz - ⇒ (en/fr/es) Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli •
kenzi [at] • +33624508479
Some quotes
“The world civil society community commends the WHO for this review of Cannabis, although we anticipate that inertia and poor organization will not make evidence-based assessment an easy affair.” Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli, researcher (FAAAT think & do tank, Spain).
“We call upon the WHO to take a stand based upon the evidence we have in hand and ask the Expert Committee to get us out of the box that we have been put in by our grandfathers that will only allow Cannabis to be seen as a medicine when studies are conducted, such studies, which are effectively prevented by the Treaty’s failure to recognize Cannabis as a medicine.” Michael Krawitz, US air force veteran, medical Cannabis patient (NGO Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, USA).
“Will they or won’t they? The WHO has a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the world!”
Myrtle Clarke & Julian Stobbs (Dagga Couple), presenters from South Africa at the Monday hearing.
“First time ever scientific assessment of cannabis for the drug control conventions. Difficult task: WHO will always do wrong in the eyes of somebody, regardless it advises strict, lenient or no control!”
Willem K. Scholten, former WHO official,
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