It is an old line to say that the Drug Conventions forbid legal regulations. We needed to ask that question properly:

Is it legal to regulate drugs?

History & experience have shown that countries that fully apply the drug control treaties provisions are often violating human rights to that end. To the contrary, prioritizing human right above drug control would undermine the enforcement of certain obligations of the 3 drug conventions.

Which of the human rights or the drug treaties takes precedence over the other? Should countries violate human rights or drug control? In other words: is it legal for a country to freely regulate its national drug policies?

These are the questions addressed and answered in the video by Robert Husbands (from the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights), Dr. Richard Lines (from Essex Univ., UK) and Pr. Masha Fedorova (from Radboud Univ., NL) the panelists of this most brainstorming and revolutionary Academic Conference on #LegalRegulations.

Conference from the UN #LegalRegulations fora    •
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