GRATK Diplomatic Conference: Opening Statement of the Cannabis Embassy

Opening Plenary Declaration of the Cannabis Embassy at the GRATK Diplomatic Conference for a Treaty against Biopiracy

GRATK: a New Treaty against the Patenting of Traditions & Nature

Brief intro to the new GRATK treaty on Indigenous Landraces & Traditional Knowledge, and its role in ethical and fair Cannabis policy reforms

2023 UN contributions on Human rights and drug policy

We sent 2 contribution for the upcoming UN Human Rights report on drug policies – due diligence, herbal drugs, traditional use, homegrowing

Lex lata cannabis legalization: statement at the 2022 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs

[Video] Plenary statement at the 65th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, about a cannabis legalization compliant with the drug conventions

Press Freedom under attack – Czech cannabis magazine condemned

A call for UN to monitor medical cannabis patients’ rights

Ensuring continuity of treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for patients using Cannabis and cannabinoid medicines.

Déclaration de Berlin

Déclaration de Berlin | Vers une politique des drogues basée sur la défense des droits humains

Youth NGOs make their views heard on Global Drug Policy

Ahead of a Global Drug Summit in March 2019, a coalition of youth organizations address the governments of the planet: « Make drug policies with us, not on our name and against us! »

INCB: a decade of evolutions and progress

United Nations just proclaimed Universal Rights of Peasants

The UN just adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants, binding Countries to respect & protect rural needs, singularities, traditions, and knowledge.

International Cannabis Policy Conference | Vienna 2018

FAAAT launches the International Cannabis Policy Conference | Vienna, Austria | December 7-9, 2018 | #CannabiSDG |

Violations des Droits Humains au nom du Contrôle des Drogues : contribution aux Conseil des Droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies

58 ans de violations générales et systématique des Droits Humains au nom du « contrôle des drogues » : Droit à un Recours et à Réparation des Victimes de violations flagrantes du droit international des Droits Humains pour les personnes concernées par la Prohibition.

[VIDEO] L’hépatite C parmi les usager.e.s de drogues, les gouvernements & l’ONU.

Dans l’enceinte de l’ONU en mars dernier, FAAAT a pris part à la mise en place d’une conférence de consensus où gouvernements et société civile on pu dresser un bilan mondial de l’action publique relative au VHC, et discutter des recommendations issues du terrain. Vidéo et compte-rendu.

Major shift in global drug policies: the Human Rights Council catches up with the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Last month, the main UN body on drugs self-disqualified, leaving room for UN Human Rights organs to increase influence over global drug policies.

Will modern drug policies come from Norway?

The Norwegian Association for Safer Drug Policies, FAAAT and 20 policymakers and stakeholders from 10 countries recalled that Norway should be a model for the rest of the world’s drug policy reforms.

[VIDEO] Hierarchy of norms: Human rights vs. drug control. #LegalRegulations

#LegalRegulations • Do the Drug Conventions really forbid legal regulations? We ask properly the question to key experts: Is it allowed to legalize drugs?